Habits over Goals

Both habits & goals require different actions from us.

We want to get fit
GOAL – I decide I want to be fit in six months
HABIT – I commit to 30 minutes of exercise daily

See the difference?

They Have an Endpoint
Once achieving a goal, people revert to their previous state. Example: a person trains and runs a marathon, then stops exercising altogether afterwards.

Goals Rely on Willpower & Self-Discipline 
Willpower isn’t a skill. It’s a muscle, so if it’s not strong enough, your goal won’t come into play.

Once Formed, Habits Operate Automatically
You brush your teeth daily – because it’s a habit

Habits are Easy to Complete
Once a habit is developed, our brains change to make its behaviour. DO something for 30 days of practice and habits become part of your routine.

Habits are for Life
Our lives are structured around habits. Once a habit becomes ingrained, it lasts a lifetime.

So by switching our focus from goals to habits, we can make continuous improvement a way of life


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