Importance of Sleep & Exercise

Sleep and it’s important when it comes to being fit, healthy & living an active lifestyle.

Question: How much sleep did you get last night?

Me, I got 6 hours & 10 mins. According to experts on average adults should be getting 7-9 hours a night.

Experts suggest:

  • Ages 3-5 years – 10-13 hours a day
  • Age 6-13 years – 9-11 hours a day
  • Age 14-17 years – 8-10 hours a day
  • Adults – 7-9 hours a day

So, how do you rank against the above?

Good quality sleep directly affects mental & physical health and the quality of your waking life, including:

  • Daily Productivity
  • Emotional Balance
  • Brain & Heart health
  • Immune system
  • Creativity
  • & even your weight

No other activity delivers so many benefits with so little effort. So why are we not getting enough?

FACT: Did you know some parts of our brains use more oxygen & glucose while sleeping than when awake. Crazy!

So how do you get more good quality sleep, here are some proven tips that can help you tonight:

1. Increase daylight exposure during the day.
Natural sunlight during the day helps improve your energy levels, as well as quality sleep at night

2. Reduce Bluelight/Screen time at night
The blue light that screens (computers, TVs, phones, ipads etc) trick your body into thinking it is daytime. A good tip is to turn off these screens 30-60mins before bed to help your brain relax before falling asleep

3. Don’t drink Caffeine Late in the Day
We all know that caffeine can significantly worsen sleep due to the buzz that it gives us. Try limiting the afternoon coffees to assist with a better night sleep

4. Consider some Natural Supplements
Including Magnesium & Lavender can help with relaxation and sleep quality when combined with other strategies.

5. Relax & Clear Your Mind before Bed
We lead stressful lives, so taking 30min before bed to relax, meditate and just unwind before closing your eyes is going to help dramatically. There are plenty of meditation/sleeping apps around that can assist to get you in the medication groove.

6. Exercise Regularly
Exercise is one of the best science-backed ways to improve your sleep & health. Regular exercise can reduce symptoms of insomnia.

Sleep plays a key role in your health.
Be sure to use these tips to optimise your health & wellbeing.