New Years’ Irresolutions

🎉 We conclude yet another year at Hi Reps and are very proud to be ending it on such a high note. We want to thank each and every one of you for your support and for making this awesome journey together possible. I hope you had an amazing and happy Christmas 🎉

With the new year just around the corner, I wanted to do a video for the occasion. New years are a time of new beginnings, a time to reflect and look back on what was and what can and will be if you set your mind to do what you want to accomplish.

But new years are also a time for a recurring scenario in many people’s lives during this time: the adoption of so-called resolutions, which should be labelled irresolutions.

What’s wrong with resolutions?

This scenario shows what’s wrong with resolutions. This is how it usually plays out: You start off in mid to late December telling yourself that this time it’s for real. This is it. This time you will commit to losing weight starting on the new year. What follows next is you formulate a generic plan following up to the new year.

Do any of these objectives ring a bell to you?

✔️ Eat less
✔️ Exercise more
✔️ Make better lifestyle choices
✔️ Pick up better habits

On paper, they look like a good idea. Just be strong, commit to these points and you will be on your way to a better and healthier lifestyle. The picture that follows next, however, is quite different. You and & I these resolutions don’t play out as they should most of the time. And why do they not work out?

Because of many reasons, but mainly because:

⭕ Your goals are unrealistic.
⭕ Your goals are unclear.
⭕ You’re unprepared
⭕ You lack support

This may sound disappointing and might leave you with a feeling of hopelessness. After all, isn’t all you want just to look and feel better? Isn’t it frustrating to feel we failed before we even started? Why does all this seem so complicated?

It does look complicated, but it really isn’t. This is about setting your mind to commit to achieving what you want, but in order to achieve what you want, you need to have a clear and concise course of action. You need to stick to something that has a much higher success rate than what you have attempted in the past.

But most importantly, you need to stop visualizing the word resolution. This means you need to change your lifestyle because you this is what you really want, not because some resolution says so. In order to succeed, you need to visualize the long term. If the start of the journey of the new you falls in the new year, then so be it, but don’t get
stuck in the futile and temporary time for resolutions phase.

That said, if you are sure becoming a better and healthier version of yourself is what you want, these points can assist you:

✅ Get a calendar: assign yourself daily goals. We suffer from paralysis by analysis. To
avoid this, draw an X on the day on the calendar when your goals are done.
✅ Start with small, specific goals for each day: Since you only have a few goals you
increase the likelihood of accomplishing them.
✅ Be patient and let your goals gradually turn into habits.
✅ Remember the big picture: Don’t focus on short-term pleasure over long-term
✅ Focus on dedication, not motivation.
✅ Allow yourself to have some flexibility.


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