
LIVE - Covers

Tips to stay fit over the holidays

Ah…the holidays. That time of the year most -all? – of us look forward to. Our modern life is rife with so many responsibilities we seem to get caught up in a fast-paced never-ending race against the clock. Work, family life, you name it. It´s hard to find a balance in our busy schedule, and that’s exactly why we shouldn’t…

LIVE - Covers (9)

No guilt: Foods you can overeat

If a genie were to grant us three wishes, we’d do well to pick one as being able to eat how much we want of anything without a change in our physical and mental wellbeing. Unfortunately, overindulging in food has consequences in our real world. But let’s be honest, sometimes we just want to have too much of something. Temptations…

LIVE - Covers (3)

Why you shouldn’t sacrifice technique for weight

Maybe you have worked out in the past. Maybe you haven’t. But you have decided to turn your life around and sign up for a gym. You start full of ambition and willpower and start hitting those big weights, and…there’s your first slip. One of the most common mistakes when working out is weight overload. In other words, lifting more…

LIVE - Covers

Battling limited eating habits in kids

Last year, the Australian Medical Association President said more children were visiting GPs with food-related anxiety due to a narrow focus on eating nothing but healthy foods rather than approaching food with moderation. On the other hand, studies show that 1 in 4 kids in our country are overweight or obese, and a lot of them don’t get enough daily exercise….