

5 Life Obstacles to Fitness Success

You want to be fit. You have a number of what you want to weigh. You know your ideal pant size. You can even picture how great those skinny jeans will look. So why aren’t you living life in your ideal body? Many complex reasons make weight loss a challenge, purposes that go deeper than simply calories-in versus calories-out. I’m…

Tips on Healthy Eating

  So you have just started your fitness journey, and one of the logical things to do is start eating a healthy diet… but what does that mean? There is so much information out there that it can be confusing reading about IIFYM (If it fits your macros, Low Carb, Counting calories). Rather than it be overwhelming, we have put…

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E-News What is Progressive Overload?

Why is progressive overload important? As the old sayings go; If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten! and; If nothing changes, nothing changes! Why is progressive overload important? Progressive overload is the concept of gradually increasing the exercise demand on your body to achieve continued improvement. Your body is amazing. It adapts…

e-news Tips for Getting Back on Track

Did you overindulge? Have you taken a week or so off training & building the courage to get back into routine? Lost that motivation as its getting colder? It can be tough, and that 1st step is always a little daunting, sadly if we don’t pull ourselves up now that small speed bump turns into a mountain & there go…

Dealing with Anxiety & Panic Attacks

If you need to talk to someone, please reach out. Head to BEYOND BLUE 1300 224 636 Disclaimer: Infomation provided as a service to the public and is general information only. It should not be substituted for specific medical advice.   The logical reasons to exercise are for the feeling of being fit, weight loss, increased strength – the list…