

Gain Focus on Your Goals

One of the most occurring things, especially when you’re just starting out exercising and beginning a new workout regime, eating better and attempting to adopt that new and healthier lifestyle you so long for is hitting that dreaded two steps forward one step back situation Like many others, may have kicked off your training with great enthusiasm and willpower, only…

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Reasons You Are Not Achieving Fat Loss

Trying to lose body fat and failing can be one of the most frustrating things, especially when you’ve been attempting to look and feel better for weeks, months or even years. You get down on yourself and wonder why this or that person is able to exercise, eat a certain way and see results while you´re stuck in a struggling…

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Ways to Relieve Stress

  We’re no strangers to stress. We’ve all suffered and suffer from it from time to time. Stress can contribute to a myriad of health issues including altering our thoughts and feelings, our bodies and even the way we behave when alone and with others. It can also cause bouts of insomnia and be detrimental to our productivity at work…

Meet The Team – Bruno

Hey there! I’m Bruno. I’m the team administration specialist. That means I’m in charge of the administrative and marketing side of HI REPS. Although I’m not nearly as well versed in fitness as the rest of the guys, I am passionate about exercising and nutrition. I can’t stand being in my comfort zone, hence it all started in 2017 when…

Should I Take Supplements?

One of the most asked questions in the fitness world is should I take supplements? First of all, what you need to know is that supplements are always optional. There is no substitute for a good meal plan, and you should definitely learn the basics of training such as proper form and proper movements and nutrition before you decide to…