
LIVE - Covers

Be in control! Curbing your appetite

Bill Phillips, an American entrepreneur and author once said that food is the most widely abused anti-anxiety drug in Australia, and exercise is the most potent yet underutilized antidepressant. Ok, little lie. He wasn’t referring to Australia but America, but he wouldn’t have been wrong if he had. In fact, I’m sure most of us think his reasoning applies not…

LIVE - Covers (6)

Habits over Goals

Both habits & goals require different actions from us. We want to get fit GOAL – I decide I want to be fit in six months HABIT – I commit to 30 minutes of exercise daily See the difference? PROBLEMS WITH GOALS They Have an Endpoint Once achieving a goal, people revert to their previous state. Example: a person trains…

LIVE - Covers (7)

It’s not about size: The many benefits of lifting weights

Whether you are lifting weights at home or at the gym, many studies show that it has multiple physical & mental benefits to your health. Unlike what some people may think, the benefits of lifting weights go far and beyond aesthetics purposes. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends resistance training -a type of exercise that improves muscular strength…

LIVE - Covers (5)

Best types of exercise according to your age

We at Hi Reps frequently emphasize the numerous benefits of exercising and staying active: better mood, weight loss, strengthening muscles & bones, increasing energy levels, better sleep and less risk of developing diseases like diabetes and some cancers. Although the benefits of exercising take place across all ages, the right exercise for you might depend on your age. There is…

LIVE - Covers (3)

Low-fat food: Does it help you lose weight? What you don’t know

One of the things many people do when trying to lose weight or cutting back junk or unhealthy foods is going for low-fat food. The thinking sometimes goes that consuming fat makes us get fatter, so abstaining from consuming it as much as possible helps you get thinner. But how true is this? In other words, is a low-fat diet…