Recovery and how

2018 has been our most successful year yet with our Active Kids/Teens program and we have already booked out both Monday & Wednesday sessions.

We would love to know if another day/class would be of interest to parents/kids. Our aim is to include a TUESDAY 430pm class, however we need enough interest to go ahead.

Well done everyone on another epic week of training, your efforts have been outstanding which creates an awesome atmosphere and a real buzz. 👏 As its been a tough week of training lets talk about the importance of RECOVERY.

RECOVERY is essential for results. Your body needs time to repair and grow in order to transform. So here are a few things you can do to ensure you can achieve the results you DESIRE.

HYDRATE – Hydration plays a key role in the recovery process. By ensuring you are properly hydrated you ensure your body is able to get all the blood and nutrients it needs in order to repair. Aim to drink 1 litre of water per 25 kilos of body weight as a general guide.

FOOD – Your body requires nutrients in order to prepare. Protein helps with recovery and repair of muscle fibres and carbohydrates ensure sufficient energy supply in the body. By eating the right quantities and quality of food you will ensure that you will recover. Take some time over the weekend to meal prep to fuel your efforts at training this week. Remember failure to prepare is preparing to fail.

MASSAGE – This is an excellent recovery method, by getting a good massage you help release the toxins out of your muscles as well as enhance blood flow to the muscle group which helps speed up the recovery process. Foam rollers are also an excellent form of self-massage and recovery.

These are just some of the things you need to remember when it comes to recovery. There are other ways to help speed up the recovery process such as sleep, supplements and ice baths but I will leave these topics for another time.

Happy Recovery and looking forward to another epic week of training. 💪👊🍻 😊